Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blog 2- Fire on the mountain

Why do they be so mean to me? i don't do nothing but try to help them out. Jack is so mean his not the leader. I'm an officious person. they never listen to me, they take my specs with out my permission. They tumult gets higher when Ralph tries to talk. they try to make a fire and they take warp tree branches and the fire was irresistible they couldn't get enough of it.I started to nimble quickly as ralph was starting gthe fire. as the fire was getting bigger and bigger the fire was next an old tree and set that half of the trees on fire. I looked at Jack and Ralph and the others they all had a scronfully smile on their faces. I started to yell at them" Are you guys crazy you just set half of the trees on fires. where is half of the kids now? you wouldn't know because your so worry abot ths fire that you didn't pay attention to none of the little ones? Ralph looked at me with ashame in his eyes. " What are you talking about Piggy we do know how many little ones are there?" Ralph said with worry voice. "Then how many are there Ralph, How many? where is the little one with the birthmark on is face? I replied. Ralph looked at me like he just saw a ghost or something." I.... I don't know where he is?" That's my point you guys are to busy about his fire that you didn't know that he ran off to get some fruit? every body was quiet no one said a word all you can hear the wind blowing and bird flying away.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Blog 1: lost and there is nowhere out

I was lost in this Jumbled place. I start to think to my self how did i get it here? how was it possible? I was walking around in this beautiful rain forrest with little animal running around with my decorous clothes that i had on for two days since the plane crashed. I started to get hungry and was clambering on the floor until i spotted a tree that had fruit on it. all type of fruit that you can think of. I start to climb the tree to get to the fruit. as i was climbing i heard i noise that i have never heard before. i kept hearing the noise as if it was a sign for me to go find that noise.i jumped from the tree and started to run. has i was running i fell into a lagoon. i was swimmng has fast as i could and i felt like i wasn't going anywhere. i tryed and i still was in he same place that i started. i told myself i know i can do it just believe in yourself. so i started to swim again and i was moving. i was going faster and faster until i got to land.once i got to land i felt free and i could do anything. i was running as fast as a cheetah when running after it's pray. all i can think about was getting to the sound that i was hearing. as i was getting closer the sound was getting louder and louder. i thought i heard my friend's voice but this could all be a dream. once i made it to the sound i saw a tall boy about he age of 12 blowing in to a shell. i walked up to the boy and said" what is that you are blowing?" he looked at me then he look at the shell and then he looked back at me and replied" this shell that i'm blowing is called a conch. now go give your name to that kid over there." i looked at the boy that he pointed at. the boy looked to be around 9 and was very chuncky and didn't look like he knew what a vegetable was. i walked up to the boy and said " hi my name is Kenny what is yours? the boy face looked very red as a tomato and was sweaty as a football player after playing a game. " nice to meet you Kenny my name is..... " just as he was about ot say his name my friend john interposed him and yell " Kenny, Kenny over here! I'm over here!"
just as i turned around everything went black ........